
Rocked into the 4th dimension Ft. Medium Curious

Jane, Sarah, and Rachel, three sober individuals, engage in a lively conversation about the influence of alcohol on mediumship, the concept of drinking dreams and intuition while drinking.

Video Episode: Watch on YouTube!

00:00 Welcome Medium Curious: Jane and Sarah

07:31 The Impact of Alcohol on Mediumship

15:14 Drinking Dreams

19:36 “Rocketed into the 4th dimension”?

28:16 Sarah was Introduced to AA in the coolest way

34:22 Jane's Sober Stand-up Comedy

35:20 A blackout story due to a mix-up in the phone number.

39:14 Parenting in Sobriety

46:30 Mediumship and Intuition

55:00 www.mediumcurious.com Newsletter & Podcast

58:49 Final Thoughts and Farewells

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